Internal Audit
Audits as a third party are performed both digitally and on site depending on the type of operation and the purpose.
We can assist you with your ISO certification, validation as a third party as required by EASA regulations or audits to verify compliance.

Safety verification
When you are using external helicopter or drone operators to accomplish your goals, it is in your best interest that safety is a top priority.
We will verify the operators safety by using our experience and known parameters that might reduce safety if not being addressed correctly.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Preparing the Specific Operations Risk Analysis and ConOps can be a daunting task, let us take that weight off your shoulders.

Are you expanding your operation?
We can help you to apply for specific category of UAS operations, create NOTAMS, SORA and third party evaluations of SAIL III requirements.

U-space Governance & Finance Framework, U-space CIS Architecture.
Airspace design for drone integration.
Validation of DAA – Detect And Avoid Systems.

Risk analysis
We can help you to formulate the risk analysis and guide you through the process.
Whether it is a risk analysis for a new operation you are about to provide, a safe job analysis or if you need help with your SORA for drone operations, we have the necessary competence.