

Emergency Repsonse Plan template for EASA UAS Operations

  • Developed to medium robustness standards
  • Specifically for Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Drone Operators
  • It contains checklists such as fly-away, loss of power, downed aircraft and fixed object strike
  • Emergency Poster
  • Details for activation of the ERP
  • Provides tasks and responsibilities for the Emergency Response Team, among other helpful topics for drone operators

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Templates for UAS operators, manufacturers and governments
Templates for UAS Operators

Templates for ConOps, SORA, Operations Manual A/B SAIL I/II and III/IV, LUC documentation (Safety Management System Manual, Compliance Monitoring Manual, etc.).

Templates for UAS Manufacturers

Templates for Design and Installation Appraisal, Design Verification Report.

Templates for Governments

Template for U-space Airspace Risk Assessment.

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